Recent posts tagged J.R.R. Tolkien


How Not To Get Lost In Mordor

A project pitch: "It's Oppenheimer meets Lord of the Rings."


How Long?

What makes a story "too short" or "too long" is not something you can gauge from the outside, but has something to do with its inner life.


Criswell Strikes Again! Dept.

Another case of yesterday's tomorrow, today.

Throne Out The Baby With The Bathwater Dept.

My failure to connect with "Game of Thrones."

Golden Era Hindsight Is 20/20 Dept.

It wasn't a golden age when we were in it.

J.R.R. Pufnstuf Dept.

On the notion that at its worst the filmed version of a book can become the cultural version of littering.


Tolked Out Dept.

The question:... why, out of all of the 'Tolkien-clones' that the publishers crank out, very very few of them even begin to approximate the original.The short answer goes something like this: Because Tolkien was a brilliant man who was doing...

Dream On Dept.

Friends of mine got to arguing the other day about what the hell happened to fantasy fiction, about how it had all turned into boring multi-volume epics and Tolkien-derived trash. I gave my opinion like so: Yes, a lot of...

See other J.R.R. Tolkien posts for 2009